Welcome to our e-kawa store. Our mission is to bring you the World’s best coffees and teas.
Today we are bringing you Gorilla’s coffee, a single-source premium coffee. Forget coffee blends; you will love this unblended single-source coffee and never look back at coffee blends; the taste of this coffee bean from the Rwanda Farmers Coffee Company is simply exquisite! Get it and experience it for yourself.
Gorilla’s coffee is from one of the best coffee areas of Africa, the birthplace of coffee; its tree is an Arabica coffee tree grown in the volcanic soil of Rwanda; it is washed and roasted by coffee masters; it meets all international coffee standards and has won twice the annual cup of excellence.
Gorilla’s coffee meets Fair Trade requirements and helps sustain thousands of Rwandan Farmers: it is literally from the farm to your cup. Gorilla’s coffee is a product and a brand of Rwanda Farmers Coffee Company. Bon Marche Thrift Stores, accessible at http://www.bonmarchethriftstores.org/contact.html, is the exclusive reseller of Gorilla’s coffee in the USA.
Our Gorilla’s coffee bags are 17.6 oz. and not your standard 12 oz.
If you want to buy one or a few bags, check our product pages.
If you are a wholesaler, please, call (707)548-1377 or send an email to info@e-kawa.com. We want to talk to you, send us your contact information. We have some good deals for Wholesalers.